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Notification of resignation of the Chair

Guest Janet

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A national committee responsible for a voluntary , charitable organsiation has a difficult and controversial meeting. A motion is paassed with a small majority. The direction of the organsiation is questioned from the chair and others of the minority group. The Secretary receives a letter of resignation from the President / Chair and notifies the members of the committee by email of this letter. The next meeting of the organsiation is not until the beginning of October

Should the secretary

1 Include in the email the reasosn given for resignation

2 forward a copy the letter of resignation ( either by snail mail of email) to the members

3 Hold the letter and include it in "corrspondence' at the next full meeting so the memebrs are not aware of the reason for fresignation until that time?

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A national committee responsible for a voluntary , charitable organsiation has a difficult and controversial meeting. A motion is paassed with a small majority. The direction of the organsiation is questioned from the chair and others of the minority group. The Secretary receives a letter of resignation from the President / Chair and notifies the members of the committee by email of this letter. The next meeting of the organsiation is not until the beginning of October

Should the secretary

1 Include in the email the reasosn given for resignation

2 forward a copy the letter of resignation ( either by snail mail of email) to the members

3 Hold the letter and include it in "corrspondence' at the next full meeting so the memebrs are not aware of the reason for fresignation until that time?

#3 would be the most appropriate.

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Much depends on the rules of your organization. Since you are a national group that only meets quarterly, it's possible that your bylaws contain provisons on filling vacancies. Make sure you are aware of thos provisions, if any.

The vacancy is not effective until it has been accepted. Unless your bylaws contain explicit rules to the contrary, in the case of vacancy in the office of president, the vice-president BECOMES president.


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