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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Special Meeting Call

Guest Cakelady

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If a topic to be discussed at a Special Meeting was inadvertently left out of the call for the special meeting, can it be added to the agenda for said special meeting?


...And the reason why that can't be done is it would violate the rights of absentees (RONR pp. 93, 263). While almost anything is fair game at a regular meeting a Special Meeting can only transact business which is included in the call of the meeting. So members receiving the call of the Special Meeting might decide that they aren't particularly interested in what the meeting is being called for but might have something to say if another item were to be considered. So say that the call of the meeting is to discuss whether to have the Christmas party at Red Lobster or Outback Steakhouse a member may not care where they go since both places have Surf and Turf (though I would vote for Red Lobster with their biscuits :)). However, if the call also included a proposal to raise the dues the member very well may want to show up and would be deprived of their say on the subject if the assembly decides to consider it without being included in the call of the meeting.

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