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Recording of seconds of motions in minutes

Guest Marcia Asdal

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Is it necessary to record in the minutes which member seconded a motion? If not, can you tell me the reasoning behind this, if it is just not for the sake of brevity?

The name of the seconder is not recorded because it doesn't matter who seconds a motion. For one thing, the seconder might actually be opposed to the motion. For another, once debate begins, the lack of a second is immaterial. Finally, in some instances, several members might second a motion at the same time.

Others may come up with other reasons.

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The name of the seconder is not recorded in the minutes unless the assembly orders it. Stay tuned for other thoughts but I think that the reason that the name of the seconder is not included in the minutes are two things. First, the purpose of a second is to show that at least one other member besides who made the motion wants to see the motion considered and that the motion was considered implies that there was a seconder (or a Point of Order wasn't raised that it wasn't seconded or it is a small assembly which does not require seconds to start off with) and who it was isn't important in the scheme of things. Also, the seconder doesn't have to be recognized by the Chair so in a large assembly it very well could be that the Secretary wouldn't know who called it out from the masses.

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Also, the seconder doesn't have to be recognized by the Chair so in a large assembly it very well could be that the Secretary wouldn't know who called it out from the masses.

And it's ridiculous for business to grind to a halt while the "who was that who seconded" game is played, and, as was mentioned, somethimes two or more people seconded, and so there's a further ridiculous tangent while it's decided who most wants to be named in the minutes, and sometimes even "enter it asThomas A Smith, not just Tom Smith, please", and argh it even extends to the whole assembly listening to Mr Kryzowski laboriously spell and re-spell his name for the secretary.

It's a pet peeve of mine

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I have found that the person who seconds the motion somehow gets "tagged" in later discussions and even blog postings as being a supporter of that motion, even though as mentioned above the seconder may in actuality not support the motion, but support the discussion.

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I have found that the person who seconds the motion somehow gets "tagged" in later discussions and even blog postings as being a supporter of that motion,

That is a pretty common misconception of what the purpose of a second is. For those who have that misconception I would point them to RONR p. 36 ll. 9-15 which says otherwise.

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