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standing rule v bylaw amendment

Guest Lynn

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In regards to a church - the organization at the local level and the larger denominational order each have a bylaw with a statement about the use of the Bible in church services (stated as that, "the Bible"). At a recent meeting of a local membership, it was moved to adopt a standing rule that only one particular translation of the Bible be used at this local church's services. [To me, this motion feels like a way around amending the bylaw (which was tried and failed).]

I have been trying to get a clearer understanding of standing rules and their use. My questions are:

* Is this a proper use of a standing rule, to clarify or augment a bylaw?

* Can standing rules be used to address an activity or a service of the organization, or are they only for addressing actions at meetings of the membership, where parliamentary procedure applies?

* If the local bylaw is an adoption of the bylaw of the parent organization, can the local organization make a change to the bylaw or approve a standing rule that would affect its application?

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1. Standing rules deal with administrative matters, not parliamentary procedure. So if a standing rule and a provision of the bylaws both deal with a particular matter, the standing rule might clarify or augment the bylaw. What would be important is that the standing rule not conflict with the bylaws.

2. Sure, pretty much anything administrative. That goes especially for outside. The citation used to be to the top of p. 257 in RONR, 10th Edition, but it's probably around the middle of p. 265 now.

3. That depends entirely on what the two sets of bylaws say about each other. RONR offers about a half-dozen useful principles of interpretation, around p. 580 (and there's a useful friendly internet forum that discusses bylaws nearby. Of course "nearby" sometimes means Connecticut, but we make do).

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