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CALL FOR A MOTION??? Is there such a thing??


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Hello all-

I am a brand new member and also a brand new school board member trying to learn the ropes. I have a question with respect to a member of a school board making a motion. I'll list a few of my questions in order just to make it easier. I'd really appreciate any info that you can provide. Our school board president always has the motions made up, apparently for the sake of time, and she always request a motion and then reads the motion that she has prepared. Anyway, here are a couple questions.( here is what she says as the president......I need a motion to approve xXXX.....looks for someone to move the motion....looks for a second....all those in favor.... motion passes

1. Can any board member make a motion at any time? Without being recognized by the president of the board? She made a comment the other day that she didn't have to entertain a motion because she didn't call for a motion? Is that true?

2. There are often times that I don't like the motion that she reads and would like to make a motion to modify the wording of the motion that she reads but often times another member immediately yells "move" right after she reads the main motion. When is the correct time for me to make a motion to modify the wording???right after she reads the last word in the motion and before someone else yells "move"??

3. Does my motion to modify the main motion take precedent over the main motion if it is done before some seconds??? What motion has to be addressed first?

4. What if I want to make a motion to modify but someone moves the main motion before i can make the motion to modify the wording?

I really appreciate any info that you can provide. I have been on the net for a couple hours looking for this exact thing under Robert's Rules of Order and have come up empty handed. I think i'll go get the book and do some studying, but if you could help me in the meantime I'd appreciate it!!


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Hello all-

I am a brand new member and also a brand new school board member trying to learn the ropes. I have a question with respect to a member of a school board making a motion. I'll list a few of my questions in order just to make it easier. I'd really appreciate any info that you can provide. Our school board president always has the motions made up, apparently for the sake of time, and she always request a motion and then reads the motion that she has prepared. Anyway, here are a couple questions.( here is what she says as the president......I need a motion to approve xXXX.....looks for someone to move the motion....looks for a second....all those in favor.... motion passes

The chair shouldn't be calling for motions in this way. She is essentially making the motion herself, which is allowed in small boards of no more than about a dozen. Also, no second is required in a small board.

1. Can any board member make a motion at any time? Without being recognized by the president of the board? She made a comment the other day that she didn't have to entertain a motion because she didn't call for a motion? Is that true?

Any member can make a main motion, but the member must be recognized first. A member seeks recognition by rising or raising a hand and saying, "Madam President." The chair must recognize any member who seeks the floor while entitled to it. Once the member has the floor, he can make a motion, and the chair must state the motion as pending (no second required, if in a small board), unless she is obliged to rule it out of order or unless the motion is unclear.

2. There are often times that I don't like the motion that she reads and would like to make a motion to modify the wording of the motion that she reads but often times another member immediately yells "move" right after she reads the main motion. When is the correct time for me to make a motion to modify the wording???right after she reads the last word in the motion and before someone else yells "move"??

After the motion is made, during debate, obtain the floor and make your amendment. The chair will then state the amendment, and it becomes the immediately pending motion, which is debated, if desired, and put to a vote before returning to the main motion, which will then be in an amended state, if the affirmative prevails on the vote for the amendment.

3. Does my motion to modify the main motion take precedent over the main motion if it is done before some seconds??? What motion has to be addressed first?

Main Motion is made first, then the amendment.

Amendment is put to a vote first, then the Main Motion.

4. What if I want to make a motion to modify but someone moves the main motion before i can make the motion to modify the wording?

No worries, see the previous answers in this response.

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Let me commend Guest boardmember on a demonstrable zeal to get up to speed, and I wish (I'll say "him," pending correction) lots of luck (as well as diligence and pluck, which are clearly there without my wishing them). To that end, let me urge (I might implore, but only to my intimates) him to lay hands on RONR - In Brief, and read it (the first time) right there. I used to tell people to read it by the next day, but human nature being what it is, weekends would come and go, the pages unswept by eyetracks. So boardmember, on the spot. I mean yes, while you stand there, though you should discreetly move away from the cashier to allow the rest of the patrons to buy their copies of RONR - IB and to stand there companionably beside you as they do their own reading. It may seem presumptuous for me, a perfect stranger except to those who know me well, to peremptorily require you, a perfectly reasonable and inoffensive boardmember, to go out and spend your money on what to you is a pig in a poke. Nevertheless (and maybe notwithstanding too, at 3 AM it's hard to concentrate), I do. You may wish to wait for the sun to come up (or go down, depending on where on the planet you are), which I generously if begrudgingly and with some anxiety and impatience concede.

The point, which I may get to, is that there are clear fundamental basics of procedure, the use of which result in the most efficiently-run meetings with the unwinking safeguarding of the rights of members, procedure applicable equally (or comparably; let's not fuss) to boardmember's school board, David's church, Trina's PTA or Springtail Growers' guild, John's HOA board, Matt's union, my biker gang and orchid fanciers' society, basics which are clearly alien to the school board president and some, at least, of the other board members (screaming "move," indeed. I'll give him a move! ), basics which I think it imperative that boardmember arm himself (yes, arm) with no delay. RONR - IB (as the first, immediate step) is the best resource for that empowerment that arming that I (and most posters here, I think they will agree) know of.

Don't expect fast progress or, often, visibly any. Do expect flack. Likely as not, the board members who are accustomed to the status quo will look on boardmember as a completely deranged loon. When boardmember proposes that some proposal could do with some tweaking, or discussion, probably both, others likely will patiently, or impatiently, inform boardmember that he obviously (!) should have discussed this with the president yesterday, so as not to be wasting everyone's time here.

Feel free to come back soon. I find boardmember's inquisitive mind and energy encouraging. We're here day or night. So call. Your call is free. (Wups, wait. That's from a commercial I jsut dozed through.) (And if you find you have questions or things to discuss about your bylaws, note that we don't do that here; but there's a friendly website nearby that often will help.)

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(I still can't edit. Darn! How inconvenient! So some corrections -- the corrections will be in all-caps )

"and I wish (I'll say "him," pending correction)"

should be:

"and I wish HIM (I'll say "him," pending correction)";

"to buy their copies of RONR - IB and to stand there companionably beside you"

should be:

"to buy their copies of RONR - IB and THEN to stand there companionably beside you";

"the use of which result in the most efficiently-run meetings with the unwinking safeguarding of the rights of members"

should be:


"basics which I think it imperative that boardmember arm himself

should be:

"basics WITH which I think it imperative that boardmember arm himself";

"the best resource for that empowerment that arming"

should be:

"the best resource for EMPOWERING that arming";

"Don't expect fast progress or, often, visibly any"

should be:


(My apologies to readers for what clumsiness remains, and my thanks for your patience.)

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Two items for Guest_Boardmember's consideration:

1) Make sure you get the Robert's Rules - In Brief 2nd Edition (Fully Updated), which coincides with the current RONR 11th Edition

2) You might consider a goodwill gesture and buy an extra copy for the president, as she needs it more than you do

Also, it will be helpful to have the Big Book (RONR 11th Edition), since that is really where all the rules are found, and assuming your constitution/bylaws adopt it as the parliamentary authority, it is the book you must turn to for answers. In Brief is the unofficial study guide.

Expect an uphill battle, though you may be pleasantly surprised. People as a rule are resistant to change, especially when that change involves admitting they've been doing things wrong, or removes some of their perceived power and distributing it among the masses. Seek out alliances with other board members who are like-minded - there is power in numbers - and maybe the winds of change you set a-blowin' won't be so destructive.

And keep coming back with your questions.

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. There are often times that I don't like the motion that she reads and would like to make a motion to modify the wording of the motion that she reads but often times another member immediately yells "move" right after she reads the main motion. When is the correct time for me to make a motion to modify the wording???right after she reads the last word in the motion and before someone else yells "move"??

What the heck is that?? Yelling "Move"? Maybe someone is in their way and they cannot see???

That clearly is incorrect procedure. If the yeller's intent is to close debate, there is a procedure for that (moving the previous question) and it requires 2/3 vote, not just one person's scream. Familiarize yourself with POINT OF ORDER and make that call when something like this happens. The discussion/debate should continue despite Ol' Yeller and as Tim explains, you properly state your amendment then.

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After the motion is made, during debate, obtain the floor and make your amendment. The chair will then state the amendment, and it becomes the immediately pending motion, which is debated, if desired, and put to a vote before returning to the main motion, which will then be in an amended state, if the affirmative prevails on the vote for the amendment.

While this is of course parliamentarily correct, I do doubt the chair will grant recognition. This could get hairy.

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What the heck is that?? Yelling "Move"? Maybe someone is in their way and they cannot see???

That clearly is incorrect procedure. If the yeller's intent is to close debate, there is a procedure for that (moving the previous question) and it requires 2/3 vote, not just one person's scream. Familiarize yourself with POINT OF ORDER and make that call when something like this happens. The discussion/debate should continue despite Ol' Yeller and as Tim explains, you properly state your amendment then.

And, in connection with TC's on-point response, boardmember should take a look at FAQ#11. That'll tell you what people traditionallly yell (it just sounds fancier than 'move!') when they improperly try to stop debate. Other than the choice of what to yell, FAQ#11 is quite applicable to your situation.

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What the heck is that?? Yelling "Move"? Maybe someone is in their way and they cannot see???

That clearly is incorrect procedure. If the yeller's intent is to close debate, there is a procedure for that (moving the previous question) and it requires 2/3 vote, not just one person's scream. Familiarize yourself with POINT OF ORDER and make that call when something like this happens. The discussion/debate should continue despite Ol' Yeller and as Tim explains, you properly state your amendment then.

I think it may actually be an even lazier form of the improper phrase "I so move" (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 104, lines 19-23).

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