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Should President Resign for Health Issues

Guest Sandy K.

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When the President has to leave for health reasons and will be gone until the Fall, should they resign their position or is it alright that they put the VP in charge and are still running the organization behind the scenes and trying to manipulate an upcoming decision?

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Well, in good conscience, if Presiding officer can't do the job he/she was elected for, he should indeed resign. At that point the VP will, automatically, become president and will be free to listen to, or totally ignore, the past president.

He'll have another chance next election when he's well again.

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When the President has to leave for health reasons and will be gone until the Fall, should they resign their position or is it alright that they put the VP in charge and are still running the organization behind the scenes and trying to manipulate an upcoming decision?

The decision to resign is a personal one but the president can't cede his administrative authority to the vice-president (or anyone else for that matter). As for manipulating decisions behind the scenes, that just sounds like politics.

If you think the president is (or will be) incapable of doing his job, see FAQ #20.

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When the President has to leave for health reasons and will be gone until the Fall, should they resign their position or is it alright that they put the VP in charge and are still running the organization behind the scenes and trying to manipulate an upcoming decision?

This sounds like a leading question that was drafted with a specific answer in mind. :)

Even if you're able to capture your preferred answer that the president should resign, what good will it do you? It is still the decision of the president, unless, as Mr. Guest suggests, your organization decides to remove him from office.

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