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Official vs. unofficial minutes

Guest Stephanie

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An issue has recently come up where I live regarding minutes from HOA meetings being posted for residents of the community. From what I gather, minutes are official only when they have been approved at the next board meeting. But are there any rules about unofficial minutes being posted? I live in a community where poeple like to know what is going on.

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But are there any rules about unofficial minutes being posted?

The association is free to direct the board to post (or otherwise distribute) the draft minutes of its meetings but I would recommend they be clearly marked as a "DRAFT". I'm not even sure I'd refer to them as "unofficial minutes". As RONR puts it, the minutes aren't THE MINUTES until they're approved.

Also remember to distinguish between meetings of the association (i.e. the general membership) and meetings of the board. Absent some rule to the contrary, members of the association (who are not members of the board) have no individual right to see the minutes of board meetings. Of course your rules may vary.

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That clears up some of what I had questions about. There is nothing on our HOA by laws about "unofficial" minutes, nor is there anything that states we follow RONR. So as long as the "minutes" are labeled as a draft they can be posted for residents to look at? One resident has come forward and complained that personal information may be posted about other homeowners, so can the draft minutes be edited for content?

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