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Multiple nominations on the same ballot

Guest Tom

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If an existing Constitution does not specify directly, can a member run for more than one position in the same election and have his name on the ballot for more than one position? If so, if he wins both positions and has to choose one, who would take his spot in the position that he did not fill? Is a special election used for that or is the next highest vote receiver elevated to that position by default? None of these provisions are covered in our current Constitution.

Thank you.

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Unless the bylaws say otherwise if someone is elected to more than one office on a single ballot the person (or the assembly if the person is absent) would choose which office he is to take and then the election(s) for the other office(s) would be completed by holding another vote for each office. However, unless the bylaws say otherwise the assembly would be free to elect him to more than one office (as long as each election is a separate vote). See RONR p. 440 ll. 3-17.

For example, lets say that Mr. A was elected to be Vice President, Secretary, and Dog Catcher (just for chuckles :)) all on the same ballot. Mr A would then need to choose which office he wants and he picks Vice President. Then another ballot is held for the office of Secretary and he is elected to that as well. Then a ballot is held for Dog Catcher and someone else is elected (hey he can't have all the power :D).

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