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Recessed Meetings

Guest Tom Doonan

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A recess is just a short (e.g. ten minute) break during a meeting. If a meeting was adjourned (without being adjourned (i.e. continued) to a future date), then it's over. The next meeting will either be the next regular (e.g. monthly) meeting or a "special" meeting if the bylaws provide for special meetings.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes, the meeting can be recessed for that purpose if the assembly wishes.

Although since a recess is, by definition, brief, and since the recessed meeting never really stops (e.g. the chair might continue to consult with, say, the secretary), it seems unlikely that a entirely separate meeting of an entirely different body could (or should) take place during a recess. Better, I think, to adjourn the meeting until such time as the other meeting is adjourned (or until a specific time; say a half-hour later?).

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