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Guest Dave

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What to do?

Motion A is adopted.

New information is received at same meeting.

Motion B is then subsequently adopted, with the intention that it replace Motion A.

Confusion ensures leading to the following question: What is the proper procedure to rescind/reconsider/overrule/replace Motion B with Motion A and secondly, what should be noted in the minutes?

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If it's at the same meeting, the easiest way to reach the question a second time is the motion to Reconsider the earlier motion. (See RONR §37) If it passes, the question is again put before the assembly as it was before it was voted on. So it's open to further amendment, postponement, referral, etc., or simply voting it down, considering the new information. The motion to Reconsider must be made by someone who originally voted on the prevailing side (i.e., in favor of a motion that passed or against a motion that failed).

It's not in order to propose a new motion in conflict with an existing one. If you want to do that (for example at a subsequent meeting, where Reconsider would not be in order, then you'll need the motion to Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted. (See RONR §35)


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Most appreciated!

Now the committee did attempt a Motion to Rescind, however this was voted on subsequent to the passage of Motion A and before or as a lead in to the adoption of Motion B.

This was done as an expression of the intent of the committee to replace A with B and was done by the maker and seconder of Motion A, and recieved unanimous committee support.

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Does the motion to amend need to be voted on first and then the original motion?

Yes (though if the amendment is adopted then the "original motion" will no longer look the same).

And, for future reference, this forum works best if you post a new question as a new topic (even if there's an existing topic that's similar). It's less confusing that way.

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Now the committee did attempt a Motion to Rescind, however this was voted on subsequent to the passage of Motion A and before or as a lead in to the adoption of Motion B.

This was done as an expression of the intent of the committee to replace A with B and was done by the maker and seconder of Motion A, and recieved unanimous committee support.

The way the committee handled it is perfectly fine, although Mr. Novosielski has made excellent some suggestions for how to do it in the future. I would note that since this is a committee, the time limits for the motion to Reconsider do not apply - it may be used at a later meeting.

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