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Guest Mike k

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Can item presented during open forum part of meeting be ruled out of order


Possibly, but such a ruling would be subject to appeal.


Here is what RONR says:


"Good of the Order, General Good and Welfare, or Open Forum. This heading, included by some types of societies in their order of business, refers to the general welfare of the organization, and may vary in character. Under this heading (in contrast to the general parliamentary rule that allows discussion only with reference to a pending motion), members who obtain the floor commonly are permitted to offer informal observations regarding the work of the organization, the public reputation of the society or its membership, or the like. Certain types of announcements may tend to fall here. Although the Good of the Order often involves no business or motions, the practice of some organizations would place motions or resolutions relating to formal disciplinary procedures for offenses outside a meeting (63) at this point. In some organizations, the program (see below) is looked upon as a part of the Good of the Order."  RONR (11th ed), p. 362

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Also, if you disagree with the chairman's ruling that the motion is out of order, you can appeal his/her ruling.  The chairman must state why the motion was out of order.  The appeal requires a second, is debatable, and a majority vote is required to overturn the chairman's ruling.



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Can a discussion questioning the wisdom and reasoning of passing an ordinance be ruled out of order during the open forum portion of a meeting?


I think the response you received in Post #2 still applies. The rules for Open Forum in RONR are not well-defined, as the nature of this heading will vary from assembly to assembly. If it's becoming an issue, the assembly may wish to adopt its own rules on the subject.

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