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Bylaws Executive Committee

Guest LRockwood

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Our Council is in the process of revising our bylaws. We are a nonprofit organization with 20 Board members and 4 elected officers. The Board meets four times a year and the officers (plus the Chairs of standing committees) meet monthly and act on behalf of the Board. We have referred to the officer's meetings in the past as the Executive Committee and the committee is presently under the bylaws committee section as a standing committee. Some feel that the officers meeting information should be placed under the officers section. Please advise.

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"... In most societies this body is called the Executive Board" unless there is to be a smaller body within it to act for the board between its meetings, in which case the full baord is usually designated the Board of Directors and the smaller body is called the Executive Committee[ (see p. 485). The Executive Committee is then established in a separate article following the one on the complete board, with similar provisions." -- RONR, 11th Ed., pl. 577.

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We have referred to the officer's meetings in the past as the Executive Committee and the committee is presently under the bylaws committee section as a standing committee.

RONR refers to the executive committee as "a board within a board" (so, despite its name, it's more like a board than a committee).

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