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Minutes of meetings

Guest Ann gilbert

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In the case of minutes taken at a meeting and then distributed to all members, approval of minutes by membership sought at the next monthly meeting. Can those minutes be changed and resent out three weeks later and three days before the next meeting. I was always told ,no, the minutes are a legal document and any changes noted should be recognized in the minutes of the following meeting.

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I'm not sure what you are asking.  If you are asking whether approved minutes can be corrected or amended again, the answer is "Yes".  Minutes can be corrected (amended) months and even years after their original approval.  Once they have been approved, the technically proper method is by the means of the Motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted.  That motion requires either previous notice and a majority vote or, without previous notice, a two-thirds vote or the vote of a majority of the entire membership.


However, like many corrections to the minutes, it is also done quite often by unanimous consent if the late correction is not controversial. 


They should not arbitrarily be changed by the secretary or by anyone else other than the assembly once they have been approved. 


If you are asking if the secretary can make changes in his/her draft minutes prior to the time they are approved, the answer is also "Yes".  Up until the time they are actually approved, the draft minutes may be modified by the secretary as often as he/she may desire.  Until they are approved, they are just a draft.  He/she might wind up with several drafts prior to actual approval.

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