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Guest Youth Footballb

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Guest Youth Footballb

I belong to a Youth Football Organization. The Board consists of 18 individuals. Two years ago, a Coach was suspended for 3 days, then re-instated, to Coach his team through the last regular season & playoffs. The parents of the players he coached insisted on the Coach's re-instatement. The suspension had nothing to do with his conduct on the field or the way in which he treated his players. The Coach did not receive a written reprimand or letter stating he was suspended. The recorded minutes of that time frame do not reflect the actions of the Board. There is nothing recorded to show that a suspension or subsequent re-instatement ever occurred.

The Coach has now applied to coach again. Some Board members are hesitant because they say the Coach was only re-instated for the balance of that season & that he remains suspended today. The Coach points out that nothing is properly recorded or documented. There's only finger pointing. The question is: Can this Board impose a suspension based on the memories of a few current members (12 new Board Members since that time) or does this Coach have the right to apply for this position? Thank you !

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I belong to a Youth Football Organization. The Board consists of 18 individuals. Two years ago, a Coach was suspended for 3 days, then re-instated, to Coach his team through the last regular season & playoffs. The parents of the players he coached insisted on the Coach's re-instatement. The suspension had nothing to do with his conduct on the field or the way in which he treated his players. The Coach did not receive a written reprimand or letter stating he was suspended. The recorded minutes of that time frame do not reflect the actions of the Board. There is nothing recorded to show that a suspension or subsequent re-instatement ever occurred.

The Coach has now applied to coach again. Some Board members are hesitant because they say the Coach was only re-instated for the balance of that season & that he remains suspended today. The Coach points out that nothing is properly recorded or documented. There's only finger pointing. The question is: Can this Board impose a suspension based on the memories of a few current members (12 new Board Members since that time) or does this Coach have the right to apply for this position? Thank you !


The fact that something is not recorded in the minutes doesn't mean it never happened. It just means the minutes need to be corrected. The board is going to need to sort out what actually happened two years ago and then decide where to go from there. Even if it is correct that the coach was suspended and then reinstated only for the balance of the season and remains suspended (which appears to be disputed), the board could now decide to fully reinstate the coach. (I'm assuming for the sake of argument that the board has the authority to suspend and reinstate coaches.)

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"The suspension had nothing to do with his conduct on the field or the way in which he treated his players."  What do your rules say?  It seems to me that the infraction must have been quite minor.  That he was reinstated after 3 days means that he has fulfilled his "jail" time.  Unless your rules say otherwise, I'd say the coach has "paid" for his infraction and so should be allowed back.

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"The suspension had nothing to do with his conduct on the field or the way in which he treated his players." What do your rules say? It seems to me that the infraction must have been quite minor. That he was reinstated after 3 days means that he has fulfilled his "jail" time. Unless your rules say otherwise, I'd say the coach has "paid" for his infraction and so should be allowed back.

It appears to me that there is some disagreement within the society over the facts. While some members claim that the suspension was lifted (in its entirety) after thee days, others claim that the coach was reinstated only for the balance of the season, and the suspension is still in effect.

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Wouldn't there need to be some authorized power to do this?  Suspend the supension? Wouldn't they have SOME new judicial process? If he was re-instated wouldn't there likely need to be another disciplinary hearing(or vote of the boad or whatever) to suspend him again? Obviously we would need to see the rules they operate under to really know, but this sounds kind of slap shod and I just don't know if they have the authority. AND..if wht he did wasn't bad enough to suspend him and leave him suspended, then it must not really be that bad.

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Wouldn't there need to be some authorized power to do this? Suspend the supension? Wouldn't they have SOME new judicial process? If he was re-instated wouldn't there likely need to be another disciplinary hearing(or vote of the boad or whatever) to suspend him again? Obviously we would need to see the rules they operate under to really know, but this sounds kind of slap shod and I just don't know if they have the authority. AND..if wht he did wasn't bad enough to suspend him and leave him suspended, then it must not really be that bad.

So far as I can tell, the position in question is not in the nature of an officer position, so formal disciplinary procedures may not be required. If this is not an officer position, it seems to me that it would be in order for the board to adopt a motion authorizing the coach to continue in his position for the duration of the season, but that he would still be under suspension.

Some members claim that this is what occurred at the board meetings over two years ago, while others claim that the suspension was lifted in its entirety. As I have previously noted, the society will need to sort out what actually happened, and then decide where to go from there.

I have been operating under the assumption that the board has the authority to suspend coaches. If it turns out that this is not correct, then the suspension was invalid to start with, and all of the other questions become moot.

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