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Nominating Committee


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1.  I am on the nominating committee of a non profit organization.  Pertaining to nominations and the nominating committee, our by laws state "The advisor and president will not have a vote in preparing the slate."  There is no other mention of voting for the slate by the committee.  Would it be inferred that by saying that the advisor and president will not have a vote, that there should be a vote?  Our committee did not vote on the slate prepared to send on to the executive board for approval.  Should the committee have voted?  If so, does this make the slate null and void?


2.  Can a person be nominated for an executive board position when they only joined the club 2 days prior?  This person resigned from his membership 7 months ago.


3.  If the slate in question is to be approved by the executive board, can members of the executive board that are also on the slate vote?

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1.  I am on the nominating committee of a non profit organization.  Pertaining to nominations and the nominating committee, our by laws state "The advisor and president will not have a vote in preparing the slate."  There is no other mention of voting for the slate by the committee.  Would it be inferred that by saying that the advisor and president will not have a vote, that there should be a vote?  Our committee did not vote on the slate prepared to send on to the executive board for approval.  Should the committee have voted?  If so, does this make the slate null and void?

The committee needs to vote on the list of nominees (or approve it by unanimous consent) regardless of whether the advisor and President have a vote. If the committee's recommendation has not, in fact, been approved by the committee, then it is not valid.

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