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Treasury amount incorrect in minutes approved

Guest Rita

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How do we handle this at the next meeting. This was not corrected when the minutes were read at the last meeting.  The ending balance reported in the minutes is off by a few cents. How should this be corrected? What would the wording be?


Thank You

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If what the treasurer reported, and was recorded in the minutes, was "off by a few cents", then no need to change anything in the minutes.  The minutes reported correctly what the treasurer reported incorrectly.


If the Secretary made an error in the minutes, you can fix them by "amending Something Previously Adopted" - p. 305 - next meeting, or any time in the future (if you think it worth the bother).


I trust you did NOT adopt the Treasurer's Report - see p. 477, 479.

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How do we handle this at the next meeting. This was not corrected when the minutes were read at the last meeting.  The ending balance reported in the minutes is off by a few cents. How should this be corrected? What would the wording be?

In the future, don't put this information in the minutes in the first place. The minutes should simply note that the Treasurer's report was received and placed on file.

As for the error, I wouldn't really be concerned. Perhaps the Treasurer can make a note of it in his next report.

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