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revisiting a prior motion

Guest April

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We are a 12 member Non-profit board.  Last month and motion was made on an issue, seconded and passed.  Since that time I have had several of the members ask if we can revisit that motion and vote because they have changed their minds about how they voted.  Our by-laws do not address this issue.  What are my guidelines for doing this.



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We are a 12 member Non-profit board. Last month and motion was made on an issue, seconded and passed. Since that time I have had several of the members ask if we can revisit that motion and vote because they have changed their minds about how they voted. Our by-laws do not address this issue. What are my guidelines for doing this.

A member would make a motion to Rescind or to Amend Something Previously Adopted, depending on whether he wishes to revoke the motion in its entirety or just change some of the details. Either motion requires a 2/3 vote, a vote of a majority of the entire membership, or a majority vote with previous notice.

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