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board refusal to call meeting

Guest robert lind

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Our club's by-laws state that the annual meeting will be during the first week of December

during this meeting new elections are to take place.

The President and all Board members refuse to call the meeting.

What can members do, can they call the meeting and if so what percentage of the membership

would have to sponsor such meeting

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The bylaws state that the annual meeting will take place during the first week of December. It says nothing of exclusive authority of the board

to set a date. the date is set by the bylaws. No the bylaws do not have any reference to possible special meetings. It does mention regular, special or annual meeting in the context

of amending bylaws. During such meeting bylaws can be amended PROVIDED proposed changes are published and emailed to the membership at leat 2 week prior to such meeting,

No procedures how special meeting would be called and by whom.

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The bylaws state that the annual meeting will take place during the first week of December. It says nothing of exclusive authority of the board

to set a date. the date is set by the bylaws.


No, the bylaws do not set a date, or you wouldn't be having this problem. The bylaws provide that the meeting will take place during the first week of December. Do the bylaws say who determines the exact date and time of the meeting?

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You are correct the bylaws set a period in which the annual meeting will have to take place. The issue is not a disagreement over the exact date in the first week of December, but

the fact that the president does not want to have the annual meeting at all during that period (any day and time would be acceptable during that period)

There is a rumor that she would want to call a meeting in the middle of November and

call it the annual meeting. It is believed she wants it changed as fewer members will be present due to travel during ThanksGiving.

So does that mean that such a meeting called as annual meeting in november is legal or is it in direct conflict with the bylaws.

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You are correct the bylaws set a period in which the annual meeting will have to take place. The issue is not a disagreement over the exact date in the first week of December, but

the fact that the president does not want to have the annual meeting at all during that period (any day and time would be acceptable during that period)

There is a rumor that she would want to call a meeting in the middle of November and

call it the annual meeting. It is believed she wants it changed as fewer members will be present due to travel during ThanksGiving.

So does that mean that such a meeting called as annual meeting in november is legal or is it in direct conflict with the bylaws.


If the bylaws provide that the annual meeting shall be held in the first week of December, it must be held in the first week of December. Holding it at some other time, such as in November, would be in violation of the bylaws.


You still haven't answered our question. Do the bylaws say who shall determine the exact date and time of the annual meeting? Without this information, we can't possibly begin to answer the question you posed in Post #1.

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Let me try to clearify the question of the determenation of the date. The bylaws have the following description of the President and the secretary.

1) President: The President shall be the chief administrator of the club and shall preside over all regular and Board meetings, shall be the ex-officio

      member of all committees, except the nominating committee; shall appoint, with Board approval, the chairman of committees; at the direction of the Board

      or membership, shall appoint special committees; shall appoint a committee of 3 to audit the outgoing treasurer's books, In addition, the president shall

      negotiate club contracts, and sign contracts in addition to the HOA representative.


2) The Secretary shall record the minutes of regular and special meetings of the Board and membership and in the absence of the Treasurer shall read that report,

      shall be in charge of all recors of the Club, other than the Treasurer's; shall be responsible of correspondence as required by members of the club;

      shall make available any reports required by HOA.


That is all I can find in the bylaws. So the long and the short of it, NO the bylaws do not indicate WHO shall determine the exact date and time of the annual meeting.


The only historical guidance might be the fact that for at least the last 15 years the annual meeting was called for the first Friday in December, as our club has been

assigned Wednesdays and Fridays for use of the room in the building of the HOA.

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That is all I can find in the bylaws. So the long and the short of it, NO the bylaws do not indicate WHO shall determine the exact date and time of the annual meeting.

The only historical guidance might be the fact that for at least the last 15 years the annual meeting was called for the first Friday in December, as our club has been

assigned Wednesdays and Fridays for use of the room in the building of the HOA.

It's probably undesirable in the long term to leave your bylaws silent on this subject, but this information is wonderful news for your current situation.

If the organization's rules are silent regarding how the meeting is scheduled, then the society itself could schedule it at a meeting of the society or, if the society fails to do so, the board could schedule the meeting, assuming your bylaws authorize the board to take action on behalf of the society between the society's meetings. RONR also provides that if a custom does not conflict with any written rules of the society, that custom should be followed unless the majority agrees to do otherwise.

Therefore, if both the society and the board fail to schedule the annual meeting, the annual meeting is on the first Friday in December, since the society has a custom that has been in place for 15 years providing as much.

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... No the bylaws do not have any reference to possible special meetings. It does mention regular, special or annual meeting in the context

of amending bylaws....

No procedures how special meeting would be called and by whom.


As long as we have your attention here, Bob, better get this fixed too.

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