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Executive Board Nominations

Guest JRSlattery

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Is the nominating committee of a sports (Women's Golf Association) organization required to present the potential slate of new executive officers to the entire existing organization board (made up of several committees) for their approval?

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I think that the best  place to find the answer is in your bylaws, any Special Rules you've adopted, or in the motion that created/appointed the committee.

I dont have my RONR in front of me, but I cannot recall anything in RONR that would answer your specific question. Stay tuned, others may.

Edited by Atul Kapur
Added 2nd paragrph
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2 hours ago, Guest JRSlattery said:

Is the nominating committee of a sports (Women's Golf Association) organization required to present the potential slate of new executive officers to the entire existing organization board (made up of several committees) for their approval?

Who appoints the nominating committee?

Edited by Josh Martin
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4 hours ago, Guest JRSlattery said:

Is the nominating committee of a sports (Women's Golf Association) organization required to present the potential slate of new executive officers to the entire existing organization board (made up of several committees) for their approval?

As my colleagues stated, the answer to your question likely depends on your own bylaws. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by names being submitted to the entire organization board "for their approval".  The nominees nominated by the nominating committee don't need to be approved by anybody else unless required by your bylaws.  The whole purpose of the nominating committee is to come up with the best candidates and no other person or body stands between the nominees selected by the nominating committee and the actual  election of the officers except, possibly additional nominees submitted from the floor.  Any "approval" of the names suggested by the nominating committee would have to be provided for in your bylaws. The nominees are not automatically elected unless your bylaws provide for it or provide that they may be declared elected by acclamation if there are no other nominees from the floor.  If your bylaws require a ballot vote, then a ballot vote must be conducted even if there are no other nominees.  The requirement of a ballot vote cannot be waived or suspended unless the bylaws themselves provide for it.

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