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I belong to a booster club for a high school. We have a member that's has undermined everything that has been voted on . By telling other members that don't  listen to what happens in the meeting just come to her and she will take care of things . She has been warned by the president of the organization. She as lied to most of the members to get thing changed so that not even the broad knows what's going on . Nothing in the organization bylaws says anything on how to handle this ! 

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The bylaws of the boosters say nothing on any of that ! The president of the boosters is pulling his hair out trying to figure out what do about this member . Him and I have read the bylaws of the boosters . It's only 2 pages long and they don't state anything on parliamentary authority or on disciplinary procedures. He even had the VP read over them just in case he missed anything . 

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However, if the bylaws of a society do not designate a parliamentary authority, one may be adopted by the same vote as is required to adopt a special rule of order, although it is preferable to amend the bylaws.

RONR 11th edition, page 15.


Special rules of order are usually adopted in the form of resolutions (pp. 33, 105-9), but when they are printed, the enacting words ("Resolved, That") are dropped.

RONR 11th edition, page 16.

If this parliamentary authority (RONR) had been adopted then the solution could be found in Chapter XX that deals with disciplinary procedures. However, without any parliamentary authority or disciplinary measures defined in the bylaws, I suspect all such incidents are handled by whatever motion the assembly adopts, probably, and preferably, by a two-thirds vote. Stick around and other experts may have something to say in this regard.  

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7 hours ago, Brian said:

She as lied to most of the members to get thing changed so that not even the broad knows what's going on .

Would I be correct in assuming that you meant to say "not even the board knows what's going on"?  :)

Edited by Richard Brown
Added smiley face
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7 hours ago, Brian said:

I belong to a booster club for a high school. We have a member that's has undermined everything that has been voted on .

Is this booster club required by some rule, such as a superior school regulation, to accept as a member everyone who wants to join?

If not, the club absolutely has the right to discipline its members and to impose discipline possibly even up to and including expulsion. The question is what procedure must you follow and what are the limits of discipline you can impose. At an absolute minimum, you have the right to adopt a motion of censure against the member in question.

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