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Motion to change the By Laws

Guest Michael Eisenhauer

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Guest Michael Eisenhauer

The Board recently approved  changes in the By-Laws of the HOA and there are two issues we missed and would like to change before we ask the membership to approve the update.  Since there was a Motion that was Seconded and a vote taken to approve the updated By-Laws do we vote to rescend 

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3 hours ago, Guest Michael Eisenhauer said:

The Board recently approved  changes in the By-Laws of the HOA and there are two issues we missed and would like to change before we ask the membership to approve the update.  Since there was a Motion that was Seconded and a vote taken to approve the updated By-Laws do we vote to [rescind] 

No, you can move to Amend Something Previously Adopted, which has the same requirements as a motion to Rescind.  But it allows you to make the change in one step.  Instead of rescinding and then re-passing a changed motion, you just change the one that was passed already.

The answer would be different if this were a completed bylaws change, instead of just a recommendation to the membership.  Once the bylaws are actually changed, an amendment can't be rescinded.  Instead, you would draft a new amendment to make the bylaws say what you want them to, regardless of how they got to be the way they are.

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