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minutes after resignation

Guest galen

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If executive members resign in a meeting and it is captured in the minutes, is it the duty of the board to share the minutes with the resigned members to ensure they are captured accurately. They will not be at the next meeting since they have resigned, so would not be part of that process of revising/ passing the minutes? 


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Has the resignation been accepted?

In any event, unless your rules say so, there is no obligation to provide draft minutes (i.e. the secretary's notes) to anyone prior to the next meeting, at which the minutes are accepted. Once they are accepted, there is still no obligation to distribute them, but they must be made available to all members. If the resignations have been accepted, then these people are not members, and so the minutes need not be made available to them even after acceptance.

Edited by Joshua Katz
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1 hour ago, Joshua Katz said:

...then these people are not members,...

I'm not so sure. The OP called them "executive members" at first and then "resigned members" further on down. They could have resigned from the organization entirely or just resigned from the executive board. If they resigned from the organization then they are entitled to nothing, but if they are still members of the organization but not members of the executive board then they still might not be entitled to see the minutes if the minutes in question are the minutes of the executive board unless the rules state that the minutes of the executive board are shared with the general membership or if a meeting of the general membership orders those minutes to be produced via a vote of two-thirds. However, if this organization's rules are influenced by a state or federal statute then the answer might need the assistance of an attorney.

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Guest from executive members...

Thanks all. These are members of a volunteer school community. In the meeting in question they resigned from the executive, but would still be members of the community at large. The minutes would be published to the whole community, which they would be a be able to view. My concern is whether we are obligated to share the minutes for their review/ corrections BEFORE we publish them to the wider community (to make sure the minutes are accurately captured). I feel the other members of the executive can fulfill the task of editing/ reviewing the minutes but wanted to be in line with best practice. Nothing in our constitution or bylaws covers this specifically. Thank you for your thoughts.



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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner
1 hour ago, Guest from executive members... said:

I feel the other members of the executive can fulfill the task of editing/ reviewing the minutes but wanted to be in line with best practice.

The Secretary is charged with drafting the minutes. The assembled members are responsible for correcting them when they are read. Your description of "editing/reviewing" makes me wonder if you are putting things like discussion points into your minutes, which don't belong there according to Robert's.

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3 hours ago, Guest from executive members... said:

My concern is whether we are obligated to share the minutes for their review/ corrections BEFORE we publish them to the wider community (to make sure the minutes are accurately captured).

Your secretary is not obligated to share the draft minutes with anyone before they are presented to the next meeting for approval, much less with people who are no longer on the Board (from the thread it appears that we are discussing minutes of the Board meetings which are, after approval, distributed to all members of the community).

I fear that I'm repeating what J. Katz (and perhaps others) have already stated. I also share GWCtoD's concern about what's actually in the minutes.

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