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Making a motion

Guest Estephan

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If a motion fails to get a second, it is not before the assembly at all and is not voted on. The motion dies for lack of a second.

Btw, there really is no such thing as a "first" to a motion. The proper procedure is that one person makes a motion and if someone else agrees that it is worth being considered by the assembly, then that person seconds the motion. If the motion does not receive a second, it should not be considered any further. However, in small boards and committees seconds are not always necessary.

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Some organizations in foreign countries require that the motion be seconded and then another member also seconds the motion yet using a different word, such as "approved" or something else before it is stated by the chairman. It appears to be quite common in Latin America. Perhaps this is where the "first" and "second" is coming from.

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1 hour ago, Guest Estephan said:

If a motion doesn’t get a first or a second, is it considered an abstain vote or a No vote?

It is not considered either one.

Typically, a proposal has a motion, a second, some debate, possibly amendment(s), and a vote.  If a motion doesn't get a second, it dies right then, before any debate takes place, and way before any voting takes place.


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