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Duties of presiding officer - helping members

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On 11/2/2018 at 7:22 PM, Sid Grice said:

I misunderstood the original post. What I read was that the chair was not wanting to waste time with having to repeatedly assist a member in properly formatting his motions.

That's what I read as well. Somehow we got off on a Previous Question tangent.

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On 11/4/2018 at 5:45 PM, Sid Grice said:

I appreciate all rebuttal from members of this forum. It is through those rebuttals that I am able to gain a more in-depth understanding.

In that case, I have some rebuttals for you. :-) And welcome to the forum!

On 10/31/2018 at 10:24 PM, Joshua Katz said:

Well if he's making relevant but not fully prepared motions, you can just move to refer. 

You can't move to refer a main motion that hasn't been stated by the chair, and the chair shouldn't state a motion offered in a wording that is not clear or that contains no rational proposition.

On 11/1/2018 at 12:28 AM, Sid Grice said:

If I am understanding this correctly, P. 39 ll.33-35 and P.40 ll1-2 claims the chair does have a duty to correct the wording of a motion, if needed, but does not state that he must do it alone.

On 11/1/2018 at 2:22 AM, Richard Brown said:

Yes, the citations you provided are pertinent and are excellent references.  Thank you.   In fact, almost all of page 39 is pertinent.

And see also p. 395, l. 28 to p. 396, l.5.

On 11/1/2018 at 12:28 AM, Sid Grice said:

Question: Would P.172 ll. 26-35  and P.173 ll.1-2 be useful?

When researching for my own answer to this situation, P.172 ll.33-35 looked promising.

From what I seem to understand, the mover can make an incomplete motion, the chair could seek assistance from other members to help make it complete before he states the question on the motion.

The rules on pages 172-173 relate specifically to a motion to Commit (i.e., to refer the pending main motion to a committee), which requires the details discussed on pages 171-172. It is these details that can be offered by way of suggestions (such as "to be appointed by the chair" or "consisting of three members", etc.), prompted by the chair when the necessary details are lacking.

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