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Conflict of interest

Guest Patricia Hathaway

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17 hours ago, Guest Patricia Hathaway said:

Is it conflict of interest if a husband and wife hold the same position in a non profit organization?


How can two people hold the same position?  Do you mean two similar positions, like board member?  

In any case, if the rules in RONR apply, the answer would depend on what motion was actually before the group.  Merely being married is not a prior disqualification from holding office, unless it's in your bylaws.  And if my wife is any indication, the likelihood of our voting alike would be no better than chance.

Also, even though RONR says that a member should not vote on a matter of personal or financial interest not in common with other members, it does not prohibit that member from casting a vote.  The removal of the right to vote can only be done by valid disciplinary process.

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