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Rerun for position after stepping down

Guest Moose

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We have a previous board member that we had several issues with and we had voted to remove her but she wanted to save face and step down. This was last year. Now she would like to run for a different position again. Can we allow that? If she had already stepped down as she allowed to run for a different position the next year? This is in a non- profit youth program

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I agree with Dr. Stackpole.  As I understand it, she was facing disciplinary/removal from office charges, but they were "dismissed" and she was allowed to resign.  Or the charges were dismissed after she resigned.  Whatever.

If that understanding is correct, then the situation returned to the status quo as it existed before the motion to remove her was initiated.  Unless the disciplinary proceeding assuming it was in fact discipline, imposed some sort of restriction against running for office in the future, she is free to run again as far as RONR is concerned.

The solution, as Dr. Stackpole stated, is to not vote for her.  But, keep in mind, since yes/no votes in elections are generally improper, there must be another candidate who members can vote for.  The only way to vote against a candidate in most elections is to vote for someone else.  That means someone else must be nominated or could be elected through write-in votes.



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