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Missing Roll Call

Guest Nick Berry

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36 minutes ago, Guest Nick Berry said:

if someone misses roll call and arrives later in the meeting, can they vote on an agenda item?

Nothing in RONR prohibits it.  In other words, yes, such a member can vote on everything that is considered after he arrives unless you have a superior rule  to the contrary.  The right to vote is a basic right of membership and there is no need to be present at any time other than at the moment when the vote is taken. 

Edited by Richard Brown
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Please clarify. By "roll call" do you mean a roll call of attendance that was done at the beginning of a meeting? If so, the member can participate in any votes that occur while they are present.

If you mean that the member was not present when a vote was taken by roll call but arrives later in the meeting and wants their vote on that item recorded, No. "It is a fundamental principle of parliamentary law that the right to vote is limited to the members of an organization who are actually present at the time the vote is taken..." (RONR 11th ed, p. 423, lines 17-20)

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