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motion not seconded and how to show in minutes

Guest paul

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Member introduce motion to postpone vote on document. Motion not seconded. Minutes show motion and "lost due to absence of second". How should minutes reflect a motion not seconded. It was not lost or past as there was not debate nor vote. Pages that reflect the proper handling would be helpful. Thanks in advance, Paul 

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7 minutes ago, Guest paul said:

Member introduce motion to postpone vote on document. Motion not seconded. Minutes show motion and "lost due to absence of second". How should minutes reflect a motion not seconded. It was not lost or past as there was not debate nor vote. Pages that reflect the proper handling would be helpful. Thanks in advance, Paul 

If this motion was a main motion, the minutes should reflect that it died for lack of a second. If it was a subsidiary motion to postpone a pending main motion, it shouldn't be reported at all.

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On 1/19/2019 at 3:06 PM, Richard Brown said:

And see pages 469-470 for which motions should be included in the minutes.  I believe # 7 at the top of page 470 is what you are looking for.

Thank you for the reference. The problem is the minutes state that motion was "lost" due to no second. It was not lost but not discussed due to no second. Looking to correct the description.

It may be that the motion should not have been recorded in the minutes because it was not seconded. It may also be that no second is required as this is a Board of less than 12 members, but that may be a different topic.

Any suggested wording in RONR? Paul

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26 minutes ago, Guest paul said:

Thank you for the reference. The problem is the minutes state that motion was "lost" due to no second. It was not lost but not discussed due to no second. Looking to correct the description.

It may be that the motion should not have been recorded in the minutes because it was not seconded. It may also be that no second is required as this is a Board of less than 12 members, but that may be a different topic.

Any suggested wording in RONR? Paul

Since the motion failed due to lack of a second, it should not be in the minutes at all.  But, if you are going to leave it in the minutes anyway, I would say that "The motion failed (or died) due to lack of a second".  But,  again,  it should not  be in the minutes at all.

Even though this is a board of less than 12 members, does it follow the small board rules?   And are motions normally seconded?  Even if the board utilizes the small board rules and the chair was in error by declaring that the motion failed for lack of a second, his erroneous ruling would have required a timely point of order to correct it.  If no one raised a timely point of order, then his ruling stands and the motion failed due to lack of a second.

Edited by Richard Brown
Added the "or died" option.
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1 hour ago, Richard Brown said:

Since the motion failed due to lack of a second, it should not be in the minutes at all.  But, if you are going to leave it in the minutes anyway, I would say that "The motion failed (or died) due to lack of a second".  But,  again,  it should not be in the minutes at all.


But RONR provides that the minutes:


...should show:

6)  all main motions (10) or motions to bring a main question again before the assembly (pp. 74–79; 34–37) that were made or taken up—except, normally , any that were withdrawn—....     <emphasis added>


A main motion that was made and then died for lack of a second should, therefore, be included in the minutes, along with its disposition.

Edited by Gary Novosielski
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1 minute ago, Gary Novosielski said:

But RONR provides that the minutes:

A main motion that was made and then died for lack of a second should, therefore, be included in the minutes, along with its disposition.

The motion that failed to receive a second was the motion to postpone, which is not a main motion.  It is a subsidiary motion, not a main motion. It does not go in the minutes if it failed to receive a second.

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I will note, for what it's  worth, that Guest Paul is not as clear as he could be that it was the motion to postpone which failed to receive a second and not the original main motion.  I interpret his post to mean that the motion to postpone failed to receive a second.  If it was the main motion that failed to receive a second, then I agree that it should be in the minutes if it failed due to  lack of a second.

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10 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

I will note, for what it's  worth, that Guest Paul is not as clear as he could be that it was the motion to postpone which failed to receive a second and not the original main motion.  I interpret his post to mean that the motion to postpone failed to receive a second.  If it was the main motion that failed to receive a second, then I agree that it should be in the minutes if it failed due to  lack of a second.

This is the reason why my response was written as it was. The motion that died for lack of a second may have been an incidental main motion to postpone something, or it may have been a subsidiary motion to postpone, 

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7 hours ago, Daniel H. Honemann said:

This is the reason why my response was written as it was. The motion that died for lack of a second may have been an incidental main motion to postpone something, or it may have been a subsidiary motion to postpone, 

7 hours ago, Daniel H. Honemann said:

This is the reason why my response was written as it was. The motion that died for lack of a second may have been an incidental main motion to postpone something, or it may have been a subsidiary motion to postpone, 

7 hours ago, Daniel H. Honemann said:

This is the reason why my response was written as it was. The motion that died for lack of a second may have been an incidental main motion to postpone something, or it may have been a subsidiary motion to postpone, 

20 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

Since the motion failed due to lack of a second, it should not be in the minutes at all.  But, if you are going to leave it in the minutes anyway, I would say that "The motion failed (or died) due to lack of a second".  But,  again,  it should not  be in the minutes at all.

Even though this is a board of less than 12 members, does it follow the small board rules?   And are motions normally seconded?  Even if the board utilizes the small board rules and the chair was in error by declaring that the motion failed for lack of a second, his erroneous ruling would have required a timely point of order to correct it.  If no one raised a timely point of order, then his ruling stands and the motion failed due to lack of a second.

On 1/19/2019 at 3:06 PM, Richard Brown said:

And see pages 469-470 for which motions should be included in the minutes.  I believe # 7 at the top of page 470 is what you are looking for.

Thank you for the reference. The problem is the minutes state that motion was "lost" due to no second. It was not lost but not discussed due to no second. Looking to correct the description.

It may be that the motion should not have been recorded in the minutes because it was not seconded. It may also be that no second is required as this is a Board of less than 12 members, but that may be a different topic.

Any suggested wording in RONR? Paul

Thanks everyone. That was all round educational, as usual. I am going to suggest that "failed" replace the word "lost" due to absence of a second. Regards to all, Paul

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Paul, if you are determined to leave the fact that the motion failed or died for lack of a second in the minutes, I gave you the suggested wording in a post above which you just quoted from. However, if you are going to amend that statement anyway just to change the language, why not just delete that reference to it failing altogether? RONR says it should not be in the minutes.

It's your call. We have told you what the rule is. But, by majority vote, your assembly can put pretty much whatever it wants to in the minutes.

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1 hour ago, Guest paul said:

Thank you for the reference. The problem is the minutes state that motion was "lost" due to no second. It was not lost but not discussed due to no second. Looking to correct the description.

It may be that the motion should not have been recorded in the minutes because it was not seconded. It may also be that no second is required as this is a Board of less than 12 members, but that may be a different topic.

Any suggested wording in RONR? Paul

Thanks everyone. That was all round educational, as usual. I am going to suggest that "failed" replace the word "lost" due to absence of a second. Regards to all, Paul


It has been pointed out several times already that the correct phrase is "died for lack of a second".

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