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Suppressing debate in a main motion

Guest ASmith

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Is it in order to make a main motion undebateable when initially making the motion or must the main motion be made and then the subsidiary motion be made to close or limit debate?

For instance, is this main motion in order?


”I move the adoption of the Bylaws proposed by member so-and-so without debate.”

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The motion to Suspend the Rules can be used to accomplish that:

From RONR:  §25:


When the object is to adopt a motion without debate or amendment, the form is:

MEMBER A (obtaining the floor): I move to suspend the rules and adopt [or “agree to”] the following resolution: “Resolved, That …” (Second.)

If such a motion does not receive the required two-thirds vote, the main motion can be taken up only in the normal way.




Edited by Gary Novosielski
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20 minutes ago, Guest ASmith said:

Is it in order to make a main motion undebateable when initially making the motion or must the main motion be made and then the subsidiary motion be made to close or limit debate?

For instance, is this main motion in order?

”I move the adoption of the Bylaws proposed by member so-and-so without debate.”

Yes, but it would require a two thirds vote because of the suspension of the rules. If this is the adoption of a bylaws Amendment or a bylaws revision rather than the adoption of the original bylaws, it would likely require a two-thirds vote anyway, depending upon the organization's bylaws.

See page 266.

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