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minutes not recorded

Guest M.Lee

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A recently installed Secretary has failed to record the minutes of our board meeting and says her notes are lost. She has subsequently stepped down and resigned. As presiding president I have my notes from the meeting. Is it proper for me to summarize my notes for the record in lieu of the missing report so that the two motions made are recorded? What is the proper procedure?

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It would be entirely proper for you to use your notes to prepare draft minutes from that meeting documenting all actions taken at the meeting. You can present this draft to the board at your next meeting for possible amendment and then approval. Then you should elect or appoint a secretary pro tem for that meeting. If the board elects its own officers, you should put out a notice for that next board meeting that an election for a new secretary will be held. Otherwise, if the secretary is elected by the general membership, you take whatever steps are necessary to effect that election - e.g., notifying the nominating committee if your organization uses one, and/or preparing a notice of election for a new secretary for the next membership meeting.

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Agreeing with Mr. Lages, you as president can prepare your own draft of the minutes for approval.  So can any other member, for that matter.  Sometimes a bit of collaboration when working on the draft minutes can be helpful.  If your notes and recollection are pretty complete, there is probably no need for it.  But, if your notes and memory are sketchy, collaborating with one or two other members as you prepare your draft might be helpful. That draft is then treated just like it would be if the secretary had submitted it.  It is still subject to being corrected by the assembly just as the secretary's draft would be.

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