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Emails about conflict resolution-ok or not?

Guest Totti

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 This is a question that’s more about the Open Meeting Act in California, so I’m not sure how much any of you will be able to help me.

 Our property manager makes at the agenda and I am trying to get a conflict resolution slot on the agenda for next time we go into executive session (HOA board)


 She is telling me that I’m not supposed to be emailing anyone about board business outside of the meetings however I see an exception that emails to just one person individually without a known chain or hub forwarding and responding situation going on is perfectly fine and exempted from the rule she is attempting to cite.

I know this might not be anyone specialty but can anyone give their opinion on this?

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We can't speak about the specifics of your laws but if I am understanding you correctly my State's Freedom of Information Act has a similar rule regarding using Blind CC with email communication but you will need to talk to someone familiar with your laws to find out exactly what is allowed.  Our FOIA page has a link to people who can answer questions about the law and I would imagine yours does too. 

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9 hours ago, Guest Totti said:

She is telling me that I’m not supposed to be emailing anyone about board business outside of the meetings however I see an exception that emails to just one person individually without a known chain or hub forwarding and responding situation going on is perfectly fine and exempted from the rule she is attempting to cite.

I know this might not be anyone specialty but can anyone give their opinion on this?

I think that there is a serious misunderstanding somewhere about what is and is not permitted under RONR and whatever  your state's open meetings laws or homeowner association laws might be.  As far as RONR is concerned, what you are being told is pure garbage.  As to what is and is not permitted under your state law, that is outside the scope of this forum.  If I were in your shoes, I would be checking out what your manager told you.  Some  of it sounds rather, um, strange to me.   I find it rather strange that you would not be permitted to communicate with someone about homeowner association business.

If the particular state law at issue is California's Brown Act (I believe that is the name it goes by), there is  lots of explanatory information available on the internet. Several law firms,  for example, have published extensively about it. Keep in mind that provisions applicable to public bodies such as city councils may be quite different from the provisions applicable to homeowner and condo associations.

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