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Can a Chairperson of a small board of a non-profit limit who attends board meetings?


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Nothing in RONR gives the chairperson alone the authority to decide who may or may not attend board meetings. RONR does say that attending meetings is a fundamental right of membership, but that applies specifically to members of whatever assembly is meeting. For example, general members have an absolute right to attend general membership meetings, but no such right to attend board meetings unless that person is a member of the board.

The right to determine whether non-members may attend a board meeting rests with the board itself, by a majority vote. Note though that even invited non-members may be excluded from the remainder of a meeting by the chair alone if they become disruptive to the meeting.

It is also possible that your organization may have its own rules as to attendance by non-members. Any such rules would most likely override the rules in RONR.

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