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Public Hearing Comments - Rules


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RONR has no rules regarding non members speaking is that the cannot, without the permission of the assembly (pp. 644-45).

Public comment, and any regulation thereof, will be established:

A.  In any statute applicable to your organization.

B.  In any bylaws or special rules adopted by your organization.  

Those rules will supersede RONR.

Edited by J. J.
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8 minutes ago, jbower said:

When holding a Public Hearing, what are the rules for such regarding comments from the public who are attending the Hearing.  Are comments at a Public Hearing limited to a certain timeframe?

Some additional information would be helpful.  For example, is this organization a public body, such as a public school board, city council, or official commission of some sort?

Are you referring to a standing or special committee of a private organization?

RONR has  nothing to say about public hearings as such.  However, you might find this language from page 501 regarding committee hearings helpful.  It's about all  RONR has to say on the subject:

When a committee is to make substantive recommendations or decisions on an important matter, it should give members of the society an opportunity to appear before it and present their views on the subject at a time scheduled by the committee. Such a meeting is usually called a hearing. During actual deliberations of the committee, only committee members have the right to be present.

Note:  Although the quoted text says "only committee members have the right to be present", the committee may permit others... even non-members of the organization... to be present or to testify.

If this "organization" is a public body, the answer to your question will be found in the controlling state and/or  local law and the body's own rules.


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