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Midterm Elections

Guest Steven

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The issue we may have is that it may trickle down as far as election of officers. Chief resigns, Assistant chief is voted in thus leaving the assistant chief open or our Lieutenant is voted in thus leaving his spot open..do we have another full election until the spots are filled? Our election is in December this year for term starting January 20'. Would you recommend a new By-Law spelling out the procedure if this were to happen again? 

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A common system is that the Board of Directors fills vacancies, except that of the Chief, or President, if there is a vice-chief or vice-president defined in your bylaws.  Those "vice-" positions fill upward automatically without any necessary steps.  See RONR p. 575.  Then the Board fills the now vacant "vice-" position(s).

An "assistant chief" may, or may not, be equivalent to a vice-chief - that is all up to your bylaws.

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49 minutes ago, Guest Steve said:

The issue we may have is that it may trickle down as far as election of officers. Chief resigns, Assistant chief is voted in thus leaving the assistant chief open or our Lieutenant is voted in thus leaving his spot open..do we have another full election until the spots are filled? Our election is in December this year for term starting January 20'. Would you recommend a new By-Law spelling out the procedure if this were to happen again? 

So far as RONR is concerned, a vacancy is filled by the same body which filled the position in the first place holding an election to fill the vacancy, unless the bylaws provide otherwise. Additionally, if the bylaws provide that the board has “full power and authority” between meetings of the membership, that includes the power to fill vacancies, unless the bylaws provide otherwise. In either case, notice of the election to fill the vacancy is required. Since there appears to be a concern that there will be a cascade as officers move up, it would be prudent to specify in the notice “That elections shall be held at the meeting on (DATE) to fill the vacancy in the office of Chief, and to fill any other vacancies which arise during the meeting.”

If the society wishes for some other method to fill vacancies, that would need to be specified in the bylaws.

Edited by Josh Martin
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I have dealt with this in two fire departments. and both had similar provisions for vacancies. If your Bylaws don't have one they probably should.

In my old department for line officers, everyone moved up one rank and the vacancy was filled by special election to the lowest rank. For Executive officers the vice president moves up and the special election is for vice president. 

My current department is basically the same, except that due to increasing requirements for higher ranks (among the line officers) it specifically says all officers move up to the next position they are qualified for and the lowest opening is filled by special election. 

Most departments I have seen have some similar provision to these. However ultimately it will be up to your VFD to address this in accordance with your bylaws or your parliamentary authority (usually RONR)

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