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Secondary carried - primary amendment defeated

Guest SAA

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A motion to purchase a truck  was subject to a primary and then  secondary amendment . The primary amendment was to insert the word Ford before the word truck - the secondary to insert the word large before  the word Ford .

The secondary amendment carried but the primary amendment was then voted down . The chair  ruled that the defeat  of the primary amendment took down with it the secondary amendment .  Was this correct  or not and where very specifically  in RONR is this addressed.

Thanks for any response . 







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I agree with Mr. Elsman that the insertion of "large" should have been considered as a different primary amendment and should have waited until the decision was finalized on "Ford." An example of an appropriate secondary amendment would be to strike out "Ford" and insert "GMC".

However, you processed it as a secondary amendment. Once the secondary amendment is adopted, then you are considering the primary amendment as amended. So if the primary amendment is lost, the adopted secondary amendment is lost with it.

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