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Circulation of minutes to someone who declared conflict of interest

Rose Mercier

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Well, it seems to me that it matters whether the person is a member of the body that is meeting, which is a bit unclear from the question. Assuming yes:

What do you mean by receive? If the question is having access to the minutes, then the answer is yes, the reason being that the person is a member and thus entitled to see the minutes. The organization is not, unless its rule provide otherwise, required to provide anyone with a copy.

If not, then the person has no particular rights to the minutes.

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It appears that you have rules that are different from or  that supersede RONR. RONR states that you cannot require a member to abstain from voting, much less recuse themselves from the meeting during a vote.

Assuming you do have such a rule, that really only applies to the voting or to the discussion prior to the voting. Once the decision has been made, why wouldn't the member be allowed to receive the minutes and know what the decision was? If the member was absent from the meeting for some other reason,  illness for example, wouldn't they still receive the minutes?

If the objection is that the member would read about who said what specifically during debate on that topic, then your problem is that you're putting too much in the minutes.

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On 5/4/2020 at 5:00 PM, Rose Mercier said:

If a member of a board committee (or even a member of the board) declared a conflict of interest at a meeting and recused themselves from the meeting, is there any reason why that person should be able to receive the minutes of that meeting? (It was no an in camera /executive session).

Yes there is.  A member is entitled to see the minutes and to participate in the approval of the minutes, even if they abstained, even if they were not present, or even  if they were not a member at the time of the original meeting.

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