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Guest Jona Sargent

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20 minutes ago, Guest Jona Sargent said:

Must the main maker of a motion have to accept an amendment to that motion before the body votes on it?


No.  Once the motion has been made and seconded, it is the property of the assembly and the original maker no longer has any control over it.

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(I'd write the answer this way. Not much difference.)  🙂

No. Once a main motion has been made, seconded (if necessary*), and stated by the chair, it belongs to the assembly, which may amend it or not, as it sees fit.


*Seconds are not required in small boards or in committees.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel H. Honemann said:

Once a main motion has been made, seconded (if necessary*), and stated by the chair, it belongs to the assembly, which may amend it or not, as it sees fit.

I agree and had actually come back to this question to edit my answer to provide a page reference and to add that a motion  actually becomes the property of the assembly once the motion is "stated" by the chair.   Your answer, as usual, is still better than mine would have been because seconds are not always necessary.  :)

This is discussed in RONR on poages 37-42. 

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On 6/6/2020 at 11:35 AM, Guest Jona Sargent said:

Must the main maker of a motion have to accept an amendment to that motion before the body votes on it?


No, this is a very common misconception, but as the gentlemen above have pointed out, once placed before the assembly, the question no longer belongs to the mover.  In fact, the mover does not even have the power to withdraw the motion, unless granted leave to do so by the assembly (majority vote).

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Just to be crystal clear, the custom of "friendly" amendments is no where to be found in RONR.  Before the question is stated, it can be modified by the maker.  (And if this happens, it requires a new second.)  I've rarely seen societies that try to do this not run into problems when it turns out that an amendment is not friendly to the maker.

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11 hours ago, Gary Novosielski said:

Well, it didn't used to be in there, but so many people went half-mad searching for it that the authors took pity and included a mention of it, if only to point out that it is not a Thing.

So, while RONR mentions the concept of friendly amendments, it is certainly not... friendly to the idea.

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