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w m lee

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Some time ago our HOA Board appointed a Committee to review and revise our By-Laws.  Can our Board meet with the Committee informally to review the Committee's suggested changes as a work secession in which no adoption or official matters are considered by the Board, simply to review the suggestions that would be formally adopted by the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting and ultimately approved by our Membership?

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Yes and it's not a bad idea:

"When a committee is to make substantive recommendations or decisions on an important matter, it should give members of the society an opportunity to appear before it and present their views on the subject at a time scheduled by the committee. Such a meeting is usually called a hearing. During actual deliberations of the committee, only committee members have the right to be present. "  RONR (11th ed.), p. 501

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While I agree with Mr. Mervosh that it's not a bad idea (as long as it doesn't contravene any open meeting laws that might apply to the board), I'm not sure that the citation applies to the situation.

The citation refers to committee hearings to allow members of the society to provide input. The OP appears to be contemplating an informal meeting of the committee with the board to review the recommendations that have already been contemplated. Unless I'm missing something and am about to get educated?

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No education at all.  Since they want to meet with the committee it's just a nice clean RONR approved way of getting together to hash things out, especially since the committee hasn't presented its report yet from what i can tell.  This venue may help the committee better prepare it's report by taking into account the board member's suggestions of what they'd like to see in the report.

Edited by George Mervosh
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