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Can a Board President serve as Committee Chair?


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On 8/15/2020 at 9:50 AM, JTW said:

Thank you, Atul Kapur.

Yes, I read this thread before that you are referring to. In our School Board, the President is ex-officio of all Standing Committees. 

I just would like to know if the President can also serve as Chairperson of committees.

Thanks Atul.



On 8/15/2020 at 10:11 AM, Daniel H. Honemann said:

Nothing in RONR says that he can't.


On 8/16/2020 at 2:33 PM, Gary Novosielski said:

Then clip and print Mr. Honemann's reply.  If you check, you'll see he's one of RONR's authors.  :


1 hour ago, JTW said:

I made mention of Mr. Honemann's reply.

The Board attorney told me that Mr. Honemann is not the Board's Attorney. Then the Board Attorney went on to say that if the Board President doesn't go along with the Board's wish to have the President "not" also serve as Chairman of that one Committee, that the School Board can just vote to disband the existing committee and re-form the same School Board Committee. Then the newly formed Committee will not include the Board President, which the Bylaws state is ex-officio of all committees.

I'm stunned and confused, to say the least....

I certainly agree with the Board's attorney when he says that I am not the Board's attorney, but the fact remains that there is nothing in RONR that says that the President cannot also serve as Chairperson of committees. 🙂


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3 minutes ago, Daniel H. Honemann said:

 certainly agree with the Board's attorney when he says that I am not the Board's attorney, but the fact remains that there is nothing in RONR that says that the President cannot also serve as Chairperson of committees. 🙂


Mr. Honemann...

Maybe you can address this issue in a Newly-Newly Revised Edition "12.1" and release it by October.

Just kidding. Ha. 😉😉😎😎

I just have to see how this all plays out within the School Board.

I appreciate all of the input from everyone. I really do. This forum is a great resource. I look forward to any further input or comments.

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