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Main motion always require a second

Guest Inquiring Mind

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The presiding president states that since we are in a virtual space (Electronic Meetings) that a main motion does not require a second. Electronic meetings even before COVID are not a new concept to Robert's Rules if approved in the bylaws. From my understanding a main motion ALWAYS requires a second. In the 11th edition pages 97-99 addresses electronic meetings without mention of motions. By default there isn't a reason to address this topic. Has anyone heard anything similar to this bogus claim? Please help. 

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The fact that the meeting is held electronically, by itself, does not change the requirement for a second for main motions.

9 hours ago, Guest Inquiring Mind said:

From my understanding a main motion ALWAYS requires a second.

There are times when a main motion does not require a second.

  • Motions made by direction of a board or committee as long as the board or committee is made up of more than one person. RONR (12th ed.) 4:11
  • Motions in committees and in small boards do not require a second. Ibid 50:25 and 49:21 and 4:9n7
  • If the chair is confident that there is widespread support for a routine motion, they can state the question without a second, but a member can raise a point of order Ibid 4:12 4:13

Any of these situations may occur during an electronic meeting, but an electronic meeting doesn't automatically meet any of these criteria.

Edited by Atul Kapur
Corrected typo, as indicated, which was caught in the post below.
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2 hours ago, Atul Kapur said:


  • If the chair is confident that there is widespread support for a routine motion, they can state the question without a second, but a member can raise a point of order Ibid 4:12


Actually, it's in 4:13 (without the plural pronoun 🙂 ).



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4 hours ago, Daniel H. Honemann said:

Actually, it's in 4:13 (without the plural pronoun 🙂 ).



Thank you. I blame my unfamiliarity with the new citation method (and lack of previous related experience, not being in the habit of quoting from the Bible).

I guess the middle initial stands for "Hawkeye"

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2 hours ago, Atul Kapur said:

I blame my unfamiliarity with the new citation method (and lack of previous related experience, not being in the habit of quoting from the Bible).

I'm not in the habit either but sometimes quote Proverbs 26:11.  Present company excepted, of course. 😉

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