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Detailed job descriptions or precedent

stephanie g

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We have very vague job descriptions for our officers, I know they are unique for each group ,  but looking for guidance or documentation for issues like this - 

Who is responsible for sending out delinquent notices for dues ?   the Treasurer or President  or Corresponding Secretary.   We are planning to update the job descriptions because of questions like this.  People are leaving   and we are not sure who should do it.    We have had a small group of people so many jobs overlapped. 

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" In ordinary societies, tasks incident to the collection of dues from members are a part of the treasurer’s duties unless the bylaws provide otherwise. Much clerical work may be attached to this function, however, in large organizations, in societies where dues are payable in frequent installments, or in societies that suspend the voting-membership rights of members who fall in arrears in dues payments (see 1:13n3, 45:1, 56:19). In such cases some organizations have, in addition to the treasurer, a financial secretary—an officer whose usual duties are to bill members for their dues and to receive payment of them, to maintain a ledger of each member’s account, and to turn over to the treasurer and obtain his receipt for moneys received."   RONR, 12th ed., 47:39

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