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failure of president to appoint committee chairpersons when bylaws mandate the president nominate committee chairpersons

Guest Clyde

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What steps does the assembly take when the president does not appoint committee chairpersons when the bylaws mandate the president nominate committee chairpersons. Also, is there a timeline for the appointment e.g. 60  days after president assumes office, when the bylaws are silent on the time for the nomination.


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51 minutes ago, Guest Clyde said:

What steps does the assembly take when the president does not appoint committee chairpersons when the bylaws mandate the president nominate committee chairpersons.

I suppose I would first suggest polite reminders, followed by less polite reminders (such as adopting a motion ordering the President to appoint committee chairpersons by a certain date). If all else fails, perhaps it is time to remove the President from office. See FAQ #20. If this is successful, the Vice President would then become President (unless the bylaws specifically provide otherwise) and could then appoint the chairpersons.

Additionally, I note that your post says specifically that the president nominate committee chairpersons. How are the other members of the committee appointed? If it is still possible to appoint the other members, then a committee could elect a Chairman Pro Tempore to serve until a permanent chairman can be appointed.

55 minutes ago, Guest Clyde said:

Also, is there a timeline for the appointment e.g. 60  days after president assumes office, when the bylaws are silent on the time for the nomination.

No. It would generally seem that such appointments should be made promptly, but there is no default deadline in RONR.

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1 minute ago, Guest Puzzling said:

Assuming that the question is about standing Committees and the bylaws are silent on this.

Don't the previous chairpersons not automatically stay in office till  new chairpersons are appointed?


"Standing committees are constituted to perform a continuing function, and remain in existence permanently or for the life of the assembly that establishes them. In an ordinary society, the members of such a committee serve for a term corresponding to that of the officers, or until their successors have been chosen, unless the bylaws or other rules otherwise expressly provide. Thus, a new body of committee members is normally appointed at the beginning of each administration." RONR (12th ed.) 50:7

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