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Executive Officer Duties


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When negotiating the contract for the Executive Director of an organization, is that the responsibility of the Executive Officers?  It is my understanding that the Executive Officers create/amend the contract, (or any major work of the Board is handled by them), present it to the Board of Directors for approval, and then present it to the Executive Director, and the cycle may need to repeat if it is not agreed to.  Is this correct?  Thank you. 

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The answer to this question very likely is answered by whatever procedure is established in the bylaws or other legal documents that established this organization. Ask this question to the current Executive Director, Secretary, or perhaps one of the Executive Officers.

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Agreeing with Guest Zev, this is a matter within the purview of the organization’s on rules procedures and customs. It is really outside the scope of RONR, which is concerned with meeting procedures. The procedure described sounds reasonable (and commonplace) to me, but It is up to the members of the organization to determine how employment and contract procedures are to be handled.

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Thank you both.  I am one of the Executive Officers.  It does not specifically state this in our bylaws, but it has been past practice, until this year, with a new Board. In the bylaws it states: Authority- Robert's Rules of Order, latest revised edition, shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in the Constitution and Bylaws.  Some of us have interpreted this to mean what I previously questioned. (Sorry if I didn't reply correctly.)

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2 hours ago, Madi said:

Thank you both.  I am one of the Executive Officers.  It does not specifically state this in our bylaws, but it has been past practice, until this year, with a new Board. In the bylaws it states: Authority- Robert's Rules of Order, latest revised edition, shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in the Constitution and Bylaws.  Some of us have interpreted this to mean what I previously questioned. (Sorry if I didn't reply correctly.)

RONR has nothing to say on this matter. If the board currently has no rules regarding this process, it may be prudent to adopt some.

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