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Correction of minutes before approval

Guest Melanie

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Our Board had a meeting this morning, and before the minutes were approved, a board member requested that his city location listed in the draft minutes be corrected.  The board's agenda with the draft minutes had been publicly posted on our website for the past week.  The location was noted and changed prior to the minutes being approved by the board. Should the agenda packet posted on our organization's website which contains the draft minutes be corrected with a strikethrough in the location that was incorrect followed by the correct city location OR should just the correct city location be listed without any stricken language of the incorrect location?  Thanks.   

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25 minutes ago, Guest Melanie said:

Our Board had a meeting this morning, and before the minutes were approved, a board member requested that his city location listed in the draft minutes be corrected. 

Why are these locations in the minutes? Are they the language of a motion -  if so, the minutes should reflect the question stated by the chair. If not, it probably doesn't belong there. But, anyway,

26 minutes ago, Guest Melanie said:

The board's agenda with the draft minutes had been publicly posted on our website for the past week.

Okay. Is this pursuant to a public meetings law? If so, some answers may be inapplicable because, if there is a conflict, your laws win out over RONR.

27 minutes ago, Guest Melanie said:

The location was noted and changed prior to the minutes being approved by the board.

Prior to being approved by the body, the minutes are simply the notes of the secretary.

27 minutes ago, Guest Melanie said:

Should the agenda packet posted on our organization's website which contains the draft minutes be corrected with a strikethrough in the location that was incorrect followed by the correct city location OR should just the correct city location be listed without any stricken language of the incorrect location?

I don't know that there's a real answer to that. Drafts go through several revisions before being final. If you're displaying a draft of something, then any of those versions counts. But these minutes, I think you said, have been approved. So why are you displaying the draft minutes at all?

If you want to show the approved minutes, it should simply contain the correct language. The minutes of the meeting where they were approved can say they were approved as amended.

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Thank you for the response, Joshua.  The current Open Meetings Act in our State requires that physical locations be listed in the meeting minutes at this point (due to pandemic). We post the agenda packet along with the "unapproved" draft minutes of the previous meeting a week prior to the board meeting on our website for public viewing.   

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