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A motion is made from a committee and then another motion is made, not an amendment

Guest Michael H Thompson

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Guest Michael H Thompson

When a motion is made from the head of a committee it is my understanding that a "second" the motion is not necessary. And that when the moderator asks for discussion, the first recognized person can put forth a separate motion, which can be seconded, and then discussed, leaving the first motion in limbo.  

In this scenario (an actual occurrence), the second motion was so detailed that it had to be postponed until the next board meeting (still in the future). 

What happens to the first motion that was made, GIVEN THAT THE SECOND MOTION was in anticipation and knowledge of the first motion, and where the second motion attempted to answer the first motion's question to the leadership so as to avoid any negative discussion concerning the first motion? 

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1 hour ago, Guest Michael H Thompson said:

When a motion is made from the head of a committee it is my understanding that a "second" the motion is not necessary.

It is correct that a motion made as a recommendation from a committee does not require a second, assuming the committee consists of more than one person.

1 hour ago, Guest Michael H Thompson said:

And that when the moderator asks for discussion, the first recognized person can put forth a separate motion, which can be seconded, and then discussed, leaving the first motion in limbo.  

No, it would not be in order for someone to simply "put forth a second motion... leaving the first motion in limbo." If the motion was related to the original motion in some manner, however, it could be made as an amendment to the original motion.

1 hour ago, Guest Michael H Thompson said:

What happens to the first motion that was made, GIVEN THAT THE SECOND MOTION was in anticipation and knowledge of the first motion, and where the second motion attempted to answer the first motion's question to the leadership so as to avoid any negative discussion concerning the first motion? 

If the second motion was a main motion, it should have been ruled out of order on the grounds that a main motion was already pending, so this situation should not have arisen. If it nonetheless occurs that a main motion is permitted to be made while another main motion is not pending and the assembly then forgets about the first motion for the rest of the meeting, RONR has no direct answer to what happens to the first main motion in such a case (since this should not happen), although my own view of it is that the motion should become Unfinished Business for the next regular meeting.

If the second motion was properly made as an amendment to the first motion, then the first motion is likewise postponed, and it will be returned to after the assembly has decided on the question of the amendment, at which point the main motion (either as originally made or as amended) will be placed before the assembly for consideration.

Edited by Josh Martin
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When a motion from a committee is made by the reporting member of that committee, the motion need not be seconded. 

But when the moderator opens debate the discussion is on that motion.  The first person recognized (usually the mover) cannot simply ignore the motion propose a new one (not an amendment of the first one) leaving the first in limbo.

There is a procedure where a member in debate can offer a "substitute" for the pending motion, but that is a form of amendment, and must follow the rules for amendments, including the need to be seconded.  There are also some quite involved rules regarding how substitutes are debated and decided.  Ultimately, if the amendment in the nature of a substitute is not agreed to, the question resumes on the original motion, which is still very much alive. In either case, a final vote is required to adopt whatever the resulting language is.

But while the amendment was being discussed, it would be in order to postpone it to the next meeting.  What gets postponed is both the original motion, and the amendment attached to it which has not yet been decided.  And that combination in that same condition is what would be taken up at the next meeting.

Now, if that's not what happened, please let us know so that we can attempt to understand how to deal with it.

Edited to add:  Mr. Martin and I were typing at the same time, and he clearly types faster.  At least we didn't give conflicting opinions. 😊

Edited by Gary Novosielski
as noted
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