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Nomination Process

Guest charlie

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How long can the nomination process remain open?  I am part of an ad hoc group that wants to open nominations for a month, then vote on candidates once the 30day (+/-) period is closed.  Is this allowable?  How can I make a counterpoint argument that the month long open nomination period isn't following Roberts Rules of Order?

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26 minutes ago, Guest charlie said:

How long can the nomination process remain open?

As long as the organization wishes.

26 minutes ago, Guest charlie said:

I am part of an ad hoc group that wants to open nominations for a month, then vote on candidates once the 30day (+/-) period is closed.  Is this allowable?


26 minutes ago, Guest charlie said:

How can I make a counterpoint argument that the month long open nomination period isn't following Roberts Rules of Order?

You can't. An organization is free to have a nomination period open for as long as it wishes.

It honestly is not that unusual for nominations to be open for a month (or even longer).

Methods of nomination are discussed in RONR (12th ed.) Section 46, and Motions Relating to Nominations are discussed in Section 31. Neither contains a rule requiring nominations to be completed in a certain period of time.

Edited by Josh Martin
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Ah, but it is.  At least it breaks no law in RONR.

It's common that some organizations will open nominations at a regular meeting a month in advance of the election, and then hold the election at the next meeting.  But there's no rule against reopening nominations at the election meeting to add additional nominees from the floor.  If the organization wishes, nominations could theoretically be open for several months.

RONR does not have limitations on when or how long nominations can be open.  Indeed it does not even require nominations at all.  You may find it suggestive to note that closing nominations requires a 2/3 vote, while (re)opening them requires only a majority.

[Josh did it again.]


Edited by Gary Novosielski
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