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13 minutes ago, KimA said:

What are the rules for nomination of officers? Does the person being nominated have to be present to except/deny nomination? 

Could we have pressed on with the people that were nominated and present to proceed with the vote? 


There is a whole section in RONR on elections read that first. Also there should be some articles  about elections in your bylaws , quote(not paraphrase) them.

"Does the person being nominated have to be present to except/deny nomination? "

A person needs to know that he is nominated before he can accept or deny nomination in the first place , so how do you regulate that?

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5 minutes ago, Guest Puzzling said:

There is a whole section in RONR on elections read that first.

I imagine that KimA Does not have a copy of RONR or he/she would not be asking the question.

The short answer is that RONR does not require that nominees be present at the time of nomination or election to accept  or refuse the nomination.  RONR suggests that a nominating committee obtain the consent of nominees, but it is not a requirement.  The only rule is that if a person is elected to office without having first consented to his nomination, and if he is not present at the time of his election, he is deemed to have been elected unless  he immediately declines the office upon being notified of his election.

12 minutes ago, Guest Puzzling said:

A person needs to know that he is nominated before he can accept or deny nomination in the first place

That is not exactly what the rule says. In fact, an officer might be elected by means of write-in votes without ever having been nominated.

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This is the answer KimA needs: When an election takes effect, from RONR (12th Ed.) §46:46:

46:46 Time at Which an Election Takes Effect. An election to an office becomes final immediately if the candidate is present and does not decline, or if he is absent but has consented to his candidacy. If he is absent and has not consented to his candidacy, the election becomes final when he is notified of his election, provided that he does not immediately decline. If he does decline, the election is incomplete, and another vote can be taken immediately or at the next meeting without further notice. After an election has become final as stated in this paragraph, it is too late to reconsider (37) the vote on the election.”

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