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Can a new business item be raised and voted on if it was not on the published agenda?

Guest Curious West Egg

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Guest Curious West Egg

Can a board member raise an issue/ motion at a meeting and have it voted on or can a vote only take place if it is placed on the agenda?  There is a contingent of board members that would like to raise an issue at a future meeting feeling that they will "have the votes" to pass the motion.  They would like to raise the matter in new business.  Are there procedural issues or hurdles with that approach or is it permissible and ultimately binding if it passes.

Thank you

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14 minutes ago, Guest Curious West Egg said:

Can a board member raise an issue/ motion at a meeting and have it voted on or can a vote only take place if it is placed on the agenda?  There is a contingent of board members that would like to raise an issue at a future meeting feeling that they will "have the votes" to pass the motion.  They would like to raise the matter in new business.  Are there procedural issues or hurdles with that approach or is it permissible and ultimately binding if it passes.

Thank you

If the rules of RONR are the only rules for the organization then it is possible (with a few exceptions that require previous notion). 

But maybe there are other rules that prevent it. 

But having said that what is on the agenda? Following RONR the "draft"agenda to become the official agenda of the meeting it needs to be adopted by the meeting. Before the agenda is adopted only a majority is needed to amend the draft agenda. Or if there is an agenda point of " new business" or "other business" then the motion can be made when that point in the agenda is reached. 

RONR prefers a standard order of business instead of a fully specified agenda see RONR chapter 41 for the fine details.

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Unless you have a customized rule that requires an item to be somehow placed on the agenda in order to be considered, a motion may be introduced during new business in the order of business, if  you have such a category.   If your organization follows the standard order of business in RONR, it is the last category.  If there is no established order of business, new business may be introduced at any time that no other business is pending.  RONR (12th ed.) §3:16.  If the agenda or order of business being followed has no category for new business, then a motion which constitutes new business may be introduced at any time after completion of the agenda or order of business and prior to adjournment. 

We can possibly provide you with better guidance if you explain your agenda process to us. 

Also, you might find this discussion helpful:  https://robertsrules.forumflash.com/topic/35304-is-new-business-required-to-be-on-the-agenda/


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