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Corp seal

Guest John

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We voted at a all member meeting to make lots lines and drawing of said lots , by the Vice President and a member of the B & G committee, once done the were brought before the board of Directors and voted on and the corporate seal was put on each lot, may question is does this paper become part of the corporation paper work ????

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37 minutes ago, Guest John said:

We voted at a all member meeting to make lots lines and drawing of said lots , by the Vice President and a member of the B & G committee, once done the were brought before the board of Directors and voted on and the corporate seal was put on each lot, may question is does this paper become part of the corporation paper work ????

This is a very legal question, and can lead to lots of heartbreak and  costs, please consult an expert lawyer about this. 

For my intuition, I doubt that the decision on this can be made by the board. This even not talking about what vote is needed to prove.

Normally I always refer hoa questions to the website of the homeowners protection bureau www hopb.co  but in this case you really  need an expert lawyer to do everything correctly. It might lead to costs today but it  will surely be costlier if you don't. 

Good luck

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10 hours ago, Guest John said:

may question is does this paper become part of the corporation paper work ????

Definitely yes, although I am doubtful of the legality of it all, I assume that even before the building the area is divided into separate lots, one for each home, for the hoa to meddle in this is fraught with legal consequences, (who owns which bit of land?) tread very careful 

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