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Meeting physical layout/format

Guest 614687a

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Is there any rule that specifically addresses the physical format or layout of a meeting? In reading RONR I read about the chair and possibly the secretary being in a prominent central forward position but nothing more. Currently the 4 leaders of our assembly sit at 1 long table and there is no distinction between the other officers and the chair. Shouldn't the chair be placed prominently by himself? The reason I ask is that when a vote is taken all the leadership are showcased in their votes and I think it sways the membership. Also when any of the officers speak they speak from their  seat facing the assembly rather than toward the chair. My thoughts are that there should be a microphone placed in the middle of the center aisle and all members even leaders other than the chair need to use this microphone to address the chair and that only the chairman should sit in front of the assembly and all other officers/leaders need to be seated in the assembly. Am I wrong? Does RONR even address the meeting layout?

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Here are some references that partially answer your question from the 12th edition of RONR. Most of these can be found via the index entries for "platform (stage)" and "microphones".


3:7 The presiding officer should be placed so that, even when he is seated—on a high stool if necessary when behind a lectern—he can see the entire hall and all present can see him (see also 47:5). The presiding officer's official place or station (usually in the center of the platform or stage, if there is one) is called “the chair.” … The secretary's desk should be placed so that papers can easily be passed to him from the chair during the meeting.

3:10 … A vice-president is addressed as “Mr. President” or “Madam President” while actually presiding. (A possible exception may arise where the usual form would make the meaning unclear—for example, when the vice-president is in the chair while the president is also on the platform. In such an instance, the vice-president is addressed as “Mr. [or Madam] Vice-President.”) …

3:31      To claim the floor, a member rises at his place when no one else has the floor (or goes to a microphone in a large hall), faces the chair, and says, “Mr. President,” or “Mr. Chairman,” or “Madam Chairman,” or whatever is the chair's proper title. …

42:16 …In large conventions or similar bodies, some of the rules applicable to the assignment of the floor may require adaptation, which, pending the adoption of appropriate convention standing rules or special rules of order, the chair may direct. For example, in a large hall where microphones are in use and members must walk some distance to reach one, members may be asked to line up at numbered microphones. …

42:17    If ushers are equipped with hand microphones and a microphone is carried to each member who is recognized, the standard rules in 42:6 can be followed.

47:5 … In assemblies where committee chairmen or others will require a lectern for their papers, another lectern on the side of the platform or on the floor at the front should be provided so that the chair can maintain his presiding location. …

47:18 … In a large assembly where a microphone is required, the chair should insist that a member go to it and identify himself. This brief delay is often very salutary in quieting heated feelings. …

47:42 … Honorary presidents and vice-presidents should sit on the platform, but they do not preside. …

47:53 The parliamentarian should be assigned a seat next to the chair, so as to be convenient for consultation in a low voice, but the chair should try to avoid checking with the parliamentarian too frequently or too obviously.

59:65 [under "Convention Arrangements Committee"] … During the convention, liaison should be maintained with the Program Committee to ensure, for example, proper seating on the platform, as the needs may change from meeting to meeting.


So I would conclude that although each assembly is free to adopt its own rules and customs regarding the room and microphone layout, to me it seems that as far as Robert's Rules are concerned, it is assumed that there may be a stage or head table with places at least for the chairman (at the center), the secretary, the parliamentarian, the vice-chairmen, and any honorary chairmen and vice-chairmen. I don't think there is any suggestion in RONR that the treasurer or other officers should have a seat on the platform — and many of the regular posters in this forum often advise against having special seats for all of the board members at a general membership meeting — but that seems to be a fairly common arrangement, and RONR does not forbid it.

It is true that when speaking in debate, all remarks must be addressed to the chair. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the speaker must be physically facing toward the chair.

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Thanks I appreciate your insights. Trying to figure how to bring up this topic in the meetings as this layout of all 4 officers seated in  a line at a long table with no distinction of the chair was imposed by leadership with no vote. I was going to raise a point of information at the beginning of the meeting to ask about it and say RONR only talks about a chair and a secretary being close but not having all the elected officers being placed in prominence with the chair. Leave it to them to show me where RONR allows it or doesn't forbid it. I want to bring it to the attention of the assembly that having leadership in front of the assembly effects and can sway any  votes the assembly takes. 

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On 11/3/2021 at 11:23 AM, Guest Thanks said:

Trying to figure how to bring up this topic in the meetings as this layout of all 4 officers seated in  a line at a long table with no distinction of the chair was imposed by leadership with no vote.

Prepare a motion to adopt a specific rule a rule that reflects how you would like the room to be arranged. When the floor is open to new business, make your motion.

If you think the issue needs to be addressed immediately, before other business, try raising a question of privilege for the purpose of offering the motion, as described in §19 of RONR.

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On 11/3/2021 at 9:54 AM, Guest 614687a said:

My thoughts are that there should be a microphone placed in the middle of the center aisle and all members even leaders other than the chair need to use this microphone to address the chair and that only the chairman should sit in front of the assembly and all other officers/leaders need to be seated in the assembly. Am I wrong? Does RONR even address the meeting layout?

As Mr. Gerber explained, it is common (even recommended by RONR) that the secretary and parliamentarian, at a minimum, be seated beside the presiding officer. Having other officers at the "head table" or on the stage is also rather common.   However, as Mr. Gerber mentioned, many of us who are regulars on the forum recommend against having the entire board seated together up front or at a head table because it can give the  impression that the directors have some special status at meetings of the membership.  They do not.  At a board meeting, they might be special, but at a membership meeting they are present simply as members of the assembly just like everyone else.  They are not present as a board.  It is a membership meeting, not a board meeting.  They have no special status at a membership meeting.  Having a dozen or so board members sitting up front can apparently be a bit intimidating to some members and also apparently leads some board members to believe and to act as if they are a bit more "special" than the rest of the membership.

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